Tuesday, 13 April 2010

How would you like to become an Assistant Film Editor? Read about Post Production Standards

Here's a sample of helpful info available from this site: American Cinema Editors

Film Blog for Assistant Editors might be of interest to film students and educators . . .

An interesting blog for assistant film editors is at Post Production Standards.

It looks to be a good place for standardizing editorial practices and sharing ideas. And its not just for assistants.

The LA Film School sponsored a seminar on editing in early 2007, hosted by Joe Byron. The panel included editors Stuart Bass, A.C.E., Tchavdar Georgiev, and Stephen Rivkin, A.C.E. along with assistant editors Andrew Charlton, Meagan Keane, and Alan McCurdy.

It was moderated by Harry Miller, A.C.E.

Topics include how each got into the film business, collaboration in the edit suite, creativity and the use of technology, and finally a Q&A with the students.

The series is posted on the web site Digital Content Producer, from the publishers Millimeter magazine.

To view the blog follow this link;

Post Production Standards

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© 2010 Dr. Mark Leslie Woods

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