Llongyfarchiadau / Congratulations to all our fabulous student artists, writers, designers and producers!
Martin Lee writes:
Hi all, just to let you know that the Create ’08 end of year show website is now live for all to enjoy at The site now includes as much of the student work as possible, based on what has been supplied thus far and as of next week, will also feature work from the animation and computer animation courses.
There is however no doubt that there is far more work out there which could be included on the site.
If anybody would like their students work to be included, can they please send a disk with individually marked folders containing any images the students name, course title and any quote from the student about the work to David Massey in Marketing & Student Recruitment (I will be on leave over the next week).
I hope you all enjoy the site and don’t forget to send the link on to anyone who might be interested…
Martin Lee
Marketing and Student Recruitment Officer / Swyddog Marchnata a Denu Myfyrwyr
Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries / Ysgol Diwydiannau Creadigol a Diwylilannol Caerdydd
For additional info please contact Dr. Mark Leslie Woods at mwoods[at]glam.ac.uk
Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries
mwoods[at]glam[dot]ac[dot]ukClick here to go directly to my personal blog page called Welsh-American Family Genealogy, on the World Wide Web.
Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Welsh Music, Film, and Books Symposium, on the World Wide Web.
Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Celtic Cult Cinema on the World Wide Web.
Visit the UK Film Studies and World Cinema and Music Import Showcase
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© 2008 Dr. Mark Leslie Woods