Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Cardiff ATRiuM hosts Skillset UK Audiovisual Industry Film & TV Radio Event

Skillset Event - Careers in TV and Film

Skillset is the industry body which supports skills and training for people and businesses to ensure the UK audio visual and publishing industries maintain their world class position.

The event will include a panel discussion and speed networking.

There will be opportunities to hear about specific careers, how to get in and ask any questions you might have. Please come prepared with questions.

The professionals featuring in this event are:

Aled Glynne (BBC Radio Wales)
Leigh-Ann Regan (casting director and agent)
Davina Payne (film and TV producer)
Ian Staples (script-writer)
To register for the event, you have to sign up at the Reception in Atrium, or at the reception in Student Services in Treforest.

Location 30th January 2008, 1-4.30pm, room CB403, ATRiuM, Cardiff

For additional info please contact Dr. Mark Leslie Woods at mwoods[at]glam.ac.uk

AIM: ATRiuM Intelligent Media

AIM -- ATRiuM Intelligent Media, Cardiff, Wales, U.K. on Face Book

Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries


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Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Celtic Cult Cinema on the World Wide Web.

Visit the UK Film Studies and World Cinema and Music Import Showcase

© 2007 Mark Leslie Woods

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Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Mordechai's Post-Evangelical-Granola on the World Wide Web.

© 2007 Mark Leslie Woods

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