Monday, 12 November 2007

Former Fulbright Scholar Professor Eckart Voigts-Virch 'Janespotting' English Theatre Speaks at Cardiff ATRiuM Roundtable Wed. 14 November

[Pictured above: Dr. Eckart Voigts-Virchow]


It is our pleasure to welcome Professor Eckart Voigts-Virchow, University of Siegen, Germany.

'Droso-Philology’: Adaptation and Bio-Poetics
11AM -- ROOM CA228

Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries
ATRiuM University of Glamorgan
Adams Street Cardiff CF24 2XF


Professor Voigts-Virchow coined the term ‘Droso-Philology’ in order to mark approaches to art dominated by neo-Darwinist thinking (i.e., Joseph Carroll).

This paper reviews recent approaches to adaptation (Kamilla Elliott and Robert Stam) and attempts to assess the relative merits of the biologistic analogies of the term.  

In particular he shall argue against the universalist tendencies in bio-poetical approaches.

The point of this paper is, therefore, to articulate doubts about the intrinsic, universal and perennial appeal of any story, any writer and even more severe reservations about the attempt to build a canon from socio-biological universalism:

"The greatest literary works most completely satisfy [the reader's desire for cognitive order]" (Carroll 2004: 145).

This paper is very much work in progress and invites attempts to apply this to theatre and performance in preparation of the forthcoming conference

“Adaptations – Performing across Media and Genres”, University of Siegen, May 2008.

Please, click here for more information on the conference.

Professor Voigts-Virchow's Current projects:
"Janespotting" – Die bildmediale Konstruktion nationaler Identität am Beispiel der Inszenierung von Englishness in costume films, heritage movies und classic TV serials der 1990er Jahre in Großbritannien (ZMI Gießen, 2001-2003).

Professor Voigts-Virchow's Areas of research:
Theater, film and media theory. Contemporary drama. Culture, literature and technology. Metaphorology.

Professor Voigts-Virchow's Papers and Conferences:
President of sessions 'Beckett and Popular Culture', 'Discussion Group: Media and Literature' at the MLA Convention (Chicago, 27-30 Dezember 1999).

Organiser of the International Conference 'Dramatized Media / Mediated Drama', CDE (17-20 Juni 1999, Giessen, sponsored by DFG, HMWK etc.).

Papers read at Bochum University; Tübingen University; Freiburg University; Strasbourg University; German Shakespeare Convention, Weimar; Leipzig University; George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (IAPL); Siegen University; Potsdam University; Koblenz-Landau University; Birkbeck College, University of London; Humboldt University, Conf. Beckett in Berlin 2000, Stuttgart University

AIM: ATRiuM Intelligent Media

Chapter Arts Centre Cardiff

Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries


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