Thursday, 4 October 2007

UK Companies Court ATRiuM Media Students Early to Find New Job Recruits

[Pictured above: montage of companies who list careers with the Media Job Site for UK Graduates,]

End of an era for the "Welsh Wizard" (silent)

[About this video: Political drama as David Lloyd George resigns as Prime Minister in this 1922 newsreel from Topical News. The film is now owned by the British Film Institute.] is one of the companies visiting Cardiff ATRiuM and looking for Media students to hire and place in new careers.

"digitalheads recruits for the digital industry - all roles, all levels, all online businesses. So whether you’re looking to recruit or to work in the industry, you know where to get a head."

According to

"Graduates are at the centre of everything we do. The e-marketing and e-media industry has grown so rapidly over the past few years that there’s a shortage of new talent to fill the gaps."

"Our aim is to open eyes and doors for students who are passionate about on-line media and who want to blaze a trail in the sector."

For additional info please contact Dr. Mark Leslie Woods at mwoods[at]

AIM: ATRiuM Intelligent Media

AIM -- ATRiuM Intelligent Media, Cardiff, Wales, U.K. on Face Book

Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries


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Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Celtic Cult Cinema on the World Wide Web.

Visit the UK Film Studies and World Cinema and Music Import Showcase

© 2007 Mark Leslie Woods

Smart & Sexy? Your Queer Advantage is waiting!

Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Queer Advantage, on the World Wide Web.

Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Mordechai Razing Ziggurats, on the World Wide Web.

Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Mordechai's Post-Evangelical-Granola on the World Wide Web.

© 2007 Mark Leslie Woods

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